Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fresh start and a fresh coat of paint

So I have decided in my very early midlife crisis that I want a totally different design then what I currently have in my house. Well I say that but actually when I was cleaning out a bunch of stuff I came across my house book of stuff that I like when we were building this house and all the pictures are similar to this look. So I have always loved this look just didn't realize how much until now. I want WHITE, WHITE and more White. I want CLEAN! I want LIGHT! I want FRESH! So I have started painting all the walls and trim. It actually is rather easy since I already got rid of most of our stuff in my de-cluttering rampage I had just a few weeks ago. :) Here is some of my inspirations.....
(unfortunately don't know the source of these pics, if they are yours they are WONDERFUL.)

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