Today is my baby boy's 2nd birthday!! Where does the time go!?! It seems like it was just yesterday we were having his first birthday party. It is still amazing to me how everyday I continue to love this little guy more and more. Everyday he amazes me at what he knows and what he learns. Today on his second birthday here is what he is like these days.....
Favorite foods: bean/cheese burritos, berries, nachos and ice cream
Favorite shows: Go Diego Go, Dora the Explorer, Dino Dan, Bubble Guppies
Favorite movies: Toy Story, Cars, Nemo, Shrek
Makes hilarious, theatrical kind of facial expressions including rolling his eyes (which he has mastered)
He LOVES to cuddle right after bath time while he is still wrapped in his towel
Talks up a storm!!
Still a Daddy's boy
Could JUMP on his bed ALL DAY long
Knows almost all animals on this planet (or so it seems)
Counts all the time: 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9
Likes to flirt with the LADIES (will run into things because he is in the zone) We are in trouble!
And of course I could go on and on but I know I'm partial so I won't continue to bore you! :)
It has been an amazing 2 years full of blessings and love! We love you little guy!
(Pictures of his party soon to follow)