So we started swim lessons last night for the first time.
Cade has been indecisive here lately of whether or not he likes or dislikes the water so I was a little worried about how the night would go. I am glad to say it went really well. He wasn't impressed with trying to blow bubbles or floating on his back. Every time he laid back and his ears went under water he got confused and a little upset. It is weird how sounds change when you go under water so I understand where he is coming from. He actually did a decent job at kicking his feet some times so that was a success. There was no major crying or fits thrown so overall it was a pretty good first lesson. They are Tuesday and Thursday nights so we will see how things go over the next month. Most of my family and friends already know this about me but I am not a great example for my son when it comes to the water. I CAN swim. I CAN water ski. I CAN do most water activities. But I CANNOT go under water without holding my nose. It is something that has always bothered me and a handicap that I have not let slow me down in having fun in the water but it is
embarrassing and annoying. So I don't expect my son to grow up to be an
Olympic swimmer but I do want him to grow up to be a good swimmer that doesn't have to hold his nose or isn't afraid of the water. That is one of those vows I made to myself in my list of "I'm a successful parent when....." Just in case anyone was wondering, the hardest thing to do in the water while one hand is holding your nose..... it's DIVE. It really takes two hands to make that work so needless to say I don't do much diving!! :) haha. The one thing that I do hope my son can learn from my embarrassing water handicap is that even though it is annoying at times I don't let it affect my ability to have fun and make do. I have always got razzed for it and always will but who can blame anyone. I even think it is freakin' hilarious when I am doing great skiing and as soon as I am about to wipeout my hand can make it to my nose in lighting speed. It really is rather funny!!